Learn@Illinois Moodle - Using NetID Authentication in Zoom

Learn how to have students use their Illinois Zoom account for Zoom class sessions. This is helpful for verifying their identity for attendance, as well as providing a higher level of security for your sessions.
For a permanent link to this information, please use: https://go.illinois.edu/MoodleZoomForceNetIDAuthentication
  1. Go to illinois.zoom.us and click Sign in.
    Sign in
  2.  In the menu on the left, click Settings.
    Click Settings
  3. Make sure that "Only authenticated users can join meetings" is enabled (the toggle should be blue with the circle on the right side). This should be the default setting as of Jan. 19, 2021. Next to "Sign in to Zoom.us (Default)", click Hide in the selection.
    Note: If someone outside the University may need to attend a class meeting, you can leave the default settings and keep the Zoom.us authentication option visible.
    Click Hide in the selection
  4. Now, when you go to create or edit meetings, you can check "Only authenticated users can join: Illinois email accounts" and save.
    Note: This change may take a few minutes to go through. Try opening up a new tab or restarting your browser.
    Zoom meeting Only authenticated users can join
  5. This means that if students try to join the meeting with their personal Zoom account, they will see the message below.
    Note: Please direct students to log out of their Zoom desktop/mobile application and follow the instructions here to log in with their Illinois account:
    Authorized participants only

Related Links

attendance, log in, logging in, net ID, authenticating, authenticate, force 
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Owned by:
Natalie L. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences