Passwords, Credential Manager and Keychain Editing

There are a number of places your account's credentials might be saved or remembered. If you change your Illinois password, check these places (and anywhere else it might be written down) to be sure they are updated as well.

Windows Login

Many people are provided with a Windows computer to use for work, configured by their department's IT group. These devices typically expect your current Illinois account password, but can fall out of sync if that password changes.

The easiest way to address this is to connect the computer to an Illinois network. If you're off campus, connect to the VPN before trying to log in again: VPN, Windows Network Sign-in After Password Change

Windows Credential Manager

Windows' Credential Manager feature (in Control Panel) may store your Illinois account in a way that is not automatically updated.

From Control Panel, select User Accounts, then click User Accounts, then Credential Manager to see options to Manage Web Credentials or Manage Windows Credentials

Leaving old data in the Credential Manager may allow Windows to serve incorrect account information to software and websites in an effort to help you log in. If a set of credentials is causing problems like this, click it and use Edit to correct it or Remove to delete it:

credential manager 2

macOS Passwords

The Passwords app on macOS can store and automatically input account credentials for applications and websites.

Leaving old data in Passwords may allow it to fill in incorrect passwords when you are trying to log in, resulting in account lockouts and confusion. If this feature is causing trouble, select the account in the Passwords app, then click Edit to tell Passwords your new password or use Delete Password to remove it entirely.

Apple provides more information about the Passwords app on their support site here:


Similarly, iPhones and iPads now feature Passwords as a standalone app (though older versions may still have it as an entry in the Settings app for AutoFill & Passwords). Similarly to the above, it will offer to save and automatically enter credentials as you log in to apps and websites.

Apple provides support information about the Passwords app on their site here:


Each version and distribution of Android may have password and credential storage features in a different place than others, so it is not feasible to provide generic recommendations.

Search in your Settings app or web browser (often Chrome) for options pertaining to passwords or auto-fill, and use them to make sure your Illinois account has the correct password stored.

password saved cached update changed changing outlook lockout windows credential locked lock 
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