Email, Stopping redirection to an alternate email address

University accounts can be configured to redirect incoming emails to Microsoft Exchange, Google Apps, or a personal email address. This setting is found in the Electronic Directory Editor:
  1. Go to the Electronic Directory Editor (EDE) and log in with your email address and password.
  2. EDE will display several pieces of information about your University account. Find the mail field; if email redirection is configured for your account, this will have your personal email address.
  3. Replace the personal email address with an internal University email address. This should be either or, if your account has Google Apps configured and you normally send and receive University emails from the Gmail interface, (with YourNetID replaced with your NetID in both cases).
  4. Click the Apply button at the top or bottom of the EDE webpage, then log out.

Please note that changes made in EDE can take up to 4 hours to propagate to the email relays.

More information about email forwarding and redirection using EDE can be found here: Email, How to set up email forwarding

Also check for forwarding or redirecting rules set up in mail clients such as Outlook.

Staff members are not allowed to redirect email, and will be unable to edit the mail field in EDE. If you are a staff member and need to modify this to disable mail forwarding, please contact the Technology Services Help Desk at or 217-244-7000. See this article for more information: Privacy & Cybersecurity, Faculty and Staff Email Auto-forwarding Retirement FAQ

forward stopping alt redirect redirection EDE redirect google gmail apps exchange going to 
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