FormBuilder - Payment processing - installment payments

Event administrators may have a need to allow for multiple payments or installments on a form. This document will show how to use FormBuilder's "split payment method" option to achieve this.

Users need to pay for an event using installments.  FormBuilder doesn't technically have an "installment payment" option, but it does have a way to allow users to split payments, which can be used for installment payments.

Users will need to authenticate on a form that has installment payments. FormBuilder will need to remember the user each time they log in to make an installment payment.  See Document ID 58139 for setting authentication.

1.  Navigate to the form dashboard and click Manage in the Form Properties section
Dashboard Manage Form Properties
2. In the manage form properties dashboard click Payment Details

Select Payment Details

 In the Payment Details section of the form properties, check the Allow the user to split the balance due among multiple payment sources box.  This will add the option to the Payment Processing page.  Click Save.

Split Pay

3.  Navigate to the dashboard and click Edit Form Contents

Edit Contents

4.  Find the Payment Processing Instructions section on the page and click Edit Section Properties.
Update the text to include instructions letting users know to click the "I would like to pay portions of the balance with different payment methods" box on the Payment Processing page. 


5.  This will open the payment field to allow them to enter the deposit or installment amount to be paid. Users will now see the option to do an installment payment from the Payment Processing screen.  FormBuilder will keep track of payments made and amount still owed.  Users will remain on this page until the final balance has been paid and the balance is $0.


If you have any questions, contact AITS FormBuilder at

deposit, multiple, split, sources, monthly, amount, due, balance, AITS 
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AITS Business Process Automation in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois System