AITS - Service Desk - System Status Page - End User Guide
Status Page Overview
This document explains how to access and navigate the Status Website. It also provides a brief explanation on the content provided in various sections of the Status Pages. Each Status Page (AITS, UIC, UIS, UIUC) will differ in the Services they contain, though some services will be shared. For example, there will be Services and/or Systems that appear under the U of I System Status page that may not appear on the UIC Service Status page.
The Status Website is a cloud hosted, vended system that is used to report on the current status of IT systems. In addition to manual posting of incidents and maintenance events, each Status Page can integrate with monitoring systems to show status in real-time.
For the University of Illinois, The Status Website is organized into 4 Status Pages (aka hubs).
Status Page Links:
AITS (System Offices) :
UIC (Chicago):
UIS (Springfield):
UIUC (Urbana):
Page Navigation
Hubs Switcher
If you are on one of the other Status Websites, you can use the Hubs Switcher drop-down at the top of the page to navigate to the AITS Status Page.
Up Arrow
As you begin moving down the page, an Up Arrow appears on the bottom, right corner of the screen. Click it to go back up to the top.
This is the first section at the top of the page.
The connected hub's logo and title are located on the left. This is followed by the Hubs Switcher. Next, there is the drop-down that allows you to select a time zone. This is followed by a “SUBSCRIBE” link. Sites may include other links.
Service Overview Section
The next section shows the following:
- Located in the top left corner of this section, a count of systems that are up (green), affected (yellow), or down (red). If there are none, it will show up as gray.
- Below that, you will see a text box that has the title of the Status Website and a brief overview.
- On the section in the right you will see a list of Groups and the Services to which they belong. The services are represented by dots. The status of the service is indicated by the color, i.e., up (green), affected (yellow), or down (red). Hover over the dot to obtain the service information.
Notifications and Maintenance Section
Notifications – This area on the left shows information on current Incidents and Maintenance events. You can click on the title link to see more information.
Maintenance - The calendar on the right show information about past and upcoming events. Past events are in gray and upcoming events are in blue. You can click on the dot to show more details, and then click on the title to see more information.
Service History Section
Service History
The next section is Service History. This section shows information on status for the past week in the default “List” view. You can also view this section as a “Calendar” view.
List View
- You can use the “Filter services…” feature in the top, left corner to filter services.
- Group navigation (see the example above for “Banner” group)
- You can choose to show only services that have affected service history under each group by checking on the “Show Affected Only” toggle.
- You can move a week forward or backward by using the “< Next week” and “Prev week >” options.
- This section will display each of your groups and services that fall under them.

Calendar View
You can view the Service History on the monthly calendar.
- The status is indicated by the color. Refer to the image above.
- Click on the Title of the event to see more details. For example, clicking on “SiteMinder” event on the 27th
3. You can navigate to the previous or next month by clicking on the “< Previous” or “Next >” links.
Subscribing to Notifications
Subscribe Link
The “SUBSCRIBE” link is located at the top, right corner of the page. If you wish to receive notifications on status of services, you can subscribe by method of choice. Please note that your options to subscribe can vary from site to site.
Choose your preferred subscription method. Remember your subscription options will vary from site to site.
Place the address you want to subscribe to email updates. Other subscription methods may require different input,
You can subscribe to all Services listed in the site.We suggest you check the "Only send me the minimum number of notifications." box.
Or you can choose a custom list of Services listed in the site.
Then click save. You will receive a message that you have successfully subscribed.
Forgot Subscription Link
If you can't find your initial subscription link to a status page, you can resend a link from the status page subscription session.
Click on the Forgot your link? link.This will open the Resend subscription link page.
Click on the subscription method to resend the link.
Fill out the form and click Resend.Your subscription link will be resent.