Topics Map > Accounts and passwords

Active Directory, UIN data for faculty, staff and students

Is UIN data available in the Active Directory?
There is availability of UIN data for all faculty/staff and student accounts provisioned in the AD. This data is stored in a new LDAP attribute uiucEduUIN (the same attribute and OID as in the campus LDAP) on the user object. Access to the uiucEduUIN attribute is restricted by default. The access restrictions are the same as those applied to the user's group membership property sets your netid or your pseudo-user account must be a member of the UIUC Registered Service Accounts group to gain access.

If you already have elevated access to see group memberships, you can already see the UIN data and no further action is required. If you need access or have any questions, send an email to with the accounts needing access.

Is UIN data available in the Active Directory? 
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Active D. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services