iSchool Rooms: Conference Room Hybrid Video

Guide to setting up Hybrid Video in conference rooms.

Conference Room Hybrid Video

There are two built-in cameras in these rooms. They are mounted to the wall and controlled by remote control. Please do not touch the cameras as they are very delicate.

These cameras only connect to the built-in computer for the room, not via a laptop.

The cameras are not clearly identifiable in the system (both will have the same name). Review the sections below to see which camera to select.

iSchool Rooms with Cameras
Room 4035 Room 4165 Room 5116
  • First Logi Rally Camera: south wall
  • First Logi Rally Camera: east wall

  • First Logi Rally Camera: south wall
  • First Logi Rally Camera: east wall

  • First Logi Rally Camera: south wall
  • First Logi Rally Camera: north wall
  1. Log into the built-in computer using the control panel.
  2. Log into the program that you want to use the camera for (e.g., Zoom) and select the proper camera.
    1. On Zoom, to choose which camera to use, click the carat next to the video icon on the lower left and select the proper camera.

      Screenshot of Zoom camera settings, showing Logi Cameras available to select.
  3. The selected camera should turn on and move to its default position.
  4. Use the Logitech remote with the matching label to control them. To control them, use the arrows to adjust where it’s pointing. You can also use the numbered buttons to turn on pre-set camera positions. If there is a presenter in the room and they are not seated, it is a good idea to hand the remote for the video camera to a participant so that they can track the movements of the presenter.
  5. To zoom the camera in and out and adjust the focus, press the + and - buttons above and below the magnifying class icon.

    Remote pointed at camera in an iSchool conference room.

KeywordsConference Room, Hybrid, Video, Setup, How to, Guide, room*Doc ID129027
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-06-14 11:57:03Updated2024-08-12 12:22:06
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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