AITS - KB Admin - KnowledgeBase - Measuring KB Usage with Google Analytics

KnowledgeBase admins at the University of Illinois are encouraged to opt-in to using a shared Google Analytics instance. Google Analytics provides robust reporting of stats and metrics that supplements the data available under the Stats tab in kbAdmin. The University of Illinois has set up a shared Google Analytics Tracking ID for KB administrators can add the Tracking ID to kbAdmin and gain access to usage reports for their KB instance as well as other KB instances under

To request access, create a support ticket by sending an email to and including the following information:

  • The KB instance you own and you want to track in Google Analytics
  • A list of people who want access to the reports.  Include their NetID and university Google account IDs.  You must have a Google account in order to access Google Analytics.  For more info on university Google accounts:  [Link for document 80295 is unavailable at this time]

You will receive a response with the Google Analytics Tracking ID.  Here are instructions to add the Tracking ID to your KB instance.

Each person will receive an email from Google confirming their access to the reports.  A new view for your KB instance will be created.  

Please be aware that this is a shared environment.  You will have access to your KB instance view and to the views of other KB instances that have opted in, and vice-versa.

KeywordsGA, metrics, hits, reports   Doc ID101306
OwnerAITS Service DeskGroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2020-04-22 16:15:43Updated2024-05-07 15:38:59
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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