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AppWorx - Using Subvar in a Condition Statement

A developer is trying to use a substitution variable in a condition statement to check for the existence of a file, and the condition is not working. The subvar represents the first few levels of the path name of the file.
If you're trying to use a substitution variable in a condition statement and the condition is not working, please ensure you're using curly brackets {} around the subvar in the condition statement. Be sure you don't repeat the final slash of the path name both inside and outside the subvar.  It would be best to have that final slash (final meaning at the end of the subvar value) outside of the subvar.

KeywordsAITS, AppWorx, subvar, condition statement   Doc ID48944
OwnerChristopher H.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2015-03-17 14:25:13Updated2020-04-20 11:37:34
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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