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AITS Service Desk - Banner Self-Service - No 'Faculty & Advisor Services' Tab/Tile Displayed
Faculty members who are unable to see the "Faculty & Advisor Services" tab in Banner Self-Service, most likely do not have the correct security permissions.
To get access to the Faculty & Advisor Services tab, someone in your college with access to the Banner Administrative Forms SIAINST and SIAASGN must grant this access to you. They must have these security profiles granted to them:
Increment Name |
Profile Name |
Description |
Schedule | Faculty Assignment | This profile provides maintenance access to designate a person as a faculty member and to assign a faculty member to a section. |
General Learner and Registration | Designate Advisor | This profile provides maintenance access to advisor information. It allows a user to add, update, and remove advisor information on the Faculty/Advisor Information (SIAINST) form. |
For more information, contact the local Unit Security Contact in your department.