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University Bursar - What is Sponsor Billing?

Sponsor Billing is an arrangement whereby the University invoices the qualifying organization (Sponsor) for authorized charges on the student’s behalf.

Sponsor Billing is the process in which an organization outside the University makes a promise to pay for educational expenses on behalf of the student. Sponsor Billing does not include payments made by other individuals. Students can add other individuals as Authorized Payers to view their student account activity and make online payments. Please visit our website to add an Authorized Payer. It is essential to note that if a sponsor doesn't need an invoice from the University, or requests additional information such as grades, it falls outside the scope of sponsor billing. With Sponsor billing, invoices are issued monthly per sponsor, not per student. Requesting invoices per student falls outside sponsor billing and is considered employee reimbursement. 

Authorization is required to participate, learn more at Sponsor Billing.

Please Note: Students who participate in Sponsor Billing will be assessed a Sponsor Billing Fee each term. The fee is $45 for Fall/Spring term and $22.50 for Summer term. The student is responsible for paying this fee if not paid by the sponsor. 

tuition, fees, student, account, paymybill, University Bursar, 3rd party, third, employee payment, bill, employer, sponsor, reimbursement 
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Kathy K. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System