Results: 101-120 of 178

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
101Purchasing - Copying a Purchase Order to a Requisition1203472024-04-021854
102Purchasing - Copying Banner Purchase Orders for Renewal Orders1203492024-04-021951
103UPAY - Searching for a Vendor Using FTMVEND1206922024-04-022271
104UPAY - Viewing Images Using BDM from FOIDOCH1206652024-03-291671
105Diversity Spend by Department1364192024-03-29694
106University Spend by Commodity1364202024-03-29550
107Diversity Spend by University1364182024-03-29679
108Purchasing – Creating a Requisition with Line Level Accounting1356722024-03-05523
109UPAY - Identifying Invoices Awaiting Receiving Using FPIIREC1206512024-03-012093
110iTravel - Adding a Frequent Traveler Program1206782024-02-281725
111iTravel - Updating Your Profile1206772024-02-281620
112iTravel - Completing Your Profile1206722024-02-281681
113iTravel - Making Travel Arrangements1206732024-02-281791
114UPAY - AP100: Introduction to Payables1235902024-02-021207
115UPAY - Booking a Car Reservation1206752024-02-021535
116UPAY - Booking an Airline Reservation1206762024-02-021706
117UPAY - Card Administration Software (CAS) Certification Course1206952024-02-022504
118UPAY - Corporate Travel Planners Agency Service Fees Effective July 1, 20211206932024-02-022968
119UPAY - Domestic Travel: Expenses1206812024-02-021667
120UPAY - Domestic Travel: Lodging1206832024-02-021520
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