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LAS Framework - Spotlight
Add and edit content for the spotlight items in the LAS Framework.
Spotlight is a way to give special attention to someone or something on your site. There are four types of spotlight supported out-of-the-box: faculty, alumni, publication, and student. An example of a spotlight item is shown below.
(A sample alumni spotlight)

Adding a New Spotlight
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to add Spotlight
- Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option
- Click the blue +Add Content button just below the content heading
- Click Spotlight on the list of available Content Types
- Complete the following fields:
- Title - The Title will appear at the top of your page in large text. The title in particular will also be picked up by Search Engines so choose a title that accurately describes your page
- Spotlight - Choose one classification from faculty, alumni, publication and student, depending on the content of Spotlight you are trying to create
- Sort Date (optional) - Select a date. This will be used to sort your spotlights if you have them archived on a page. Otherwise, the default is today and spotlights are sorted by the most recent date created.
- Body - The main area of the page. You can use the format toolbar to add bullets, tables, images, links, and files as well as basic formatting.
- The Edit summary link can be clicked to bring up an additional field. The text used in this field will display when a preview snippet of the News item is used; for example, on the homepage listing.
- Custom Tags (Optional) - Type in a new category related to the news story. If this tag has already been created, it will show up in the autocomplete field and you can select it.
- Department Tags (Optional) - Select a category related to the news story from the list of available options.
- Image - Choose an image to upload for the Spotlight from your machine. There is a 512 MB limit on image size.
Alternative Text - A short phrase or sentence describing the image. - Click the save button
Editing an Existing Spotlight
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to edit Spotlight
- Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option
- Set the Content Type Filter to be Spotlight and click the Filter button. This will limit the options to only Spotlight
- Select the Spotlight you want to edit and click the Edit button in the far right column
- Make changes to any other fields you need to update
- To replace the image, you must first remove the current one by clicking the Remove button and then using the Choose File button to select a new image. You will need to give a new Alternative Text entry for the new image.
- To remove the entry entirely, scroll to the buttom of the form and click the Delete button
- Click the Save button
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