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Topics Map > Communication and Collaboration > Email

Office 365, Email, Exchange, Incorrect information in the Global Address List

My information in the Outlook Exchange Global Address list is incorrect, how do I change this? My information is correct in the Electronic Directory(ED), Nessie, Banner, UIUC LDAP and elsewhere, just not in the Global Address List. How do I correct this?

Information in the Outlook Exchange Global Address list is updated from your Electronic Directory (ED) entry, which is updated from your My UI Info (formerly NESSIE) information. Changes that you make to your information can sometimes not be reflected in the Global Address List for up to a week.

KeywordsGlobal address list GAL incorrectDoc ID47982
OwnerOffice 3.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-03-03 15:20:25Updated2024-06-11 11:33:01
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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