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Kaltura, PowerPoint with Audio Narrations in Media Space
How to save PowerPoint with audio narrations in Kaltura
How to save PowerPoint with audio narrations into Kaltura
- It is very simple to get your PowerPoint with audio narration to play as a video in Kaltura - just follow these steps:
- Save your PowerPoint as a MPEG-4 video file (*.mp4) using MS PowerPoint software. You can also save in Windows Media (.wmv) format.
- Upload your saved (*.mp4) file into Kaltura Media Space using the 'Add New' tab, then select 'Media Upload' to locate & upload your file and it will now appear in your 'My Media' space
- Now you may publish it or make your video public
- {Please note: media must contain a description prior to being published and/or added to a playlist}
[Doc 57917 content is unavailable at this time.]