Topics Map > Safety and security
Security, FERPA
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law governing the privacy of educational records. The University and its employees are legally and ethically obligated to protect the confidentiality of student records.
FERPA grants specific rights to students and sets restrictions on how schools may handle educational records. FERPA also requires that schools obtain written permission from students before releasing educational records. In certain well-defined circumstances, some information may be released without written permission from the student.
Additional information about FERPA
- Office of the Registrar:
- U.S. Department of Education:
For Parents of Students
Information from the Office of the Registrar:
For University Employees
Security and Access to Banner Student Modules
Contact the Office of the Registrar with any general questions you have about the security profiles that are available for Recruiting and Admissions (R&A) and for Records and Registration (R&R).
Decision Support (Enterprise Data Warehouse)
Before access to student data is approved, users must complete the federally mandated FERPA training as outlined by the University's Data Access Policy. Requests for access that does not fit standard security roles will be reviewed by the Office of the Registrar.
All users with access to student data must complete the FERPA tutorial:
Users will gain:
- A knowledge of laws and policies governing acceptable use and release of student records
- An understanding of the responsibilities required to comply with these laws and policies
- An understanding of how to protect a student's right to privacy
Campus Administrative Manual Links
FERPA Policy:
Information Security Policy:
Freedom of Information Act: