Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > U of I Box
U of I Box, Accepting or Rejecting Collaboration Invitations
How can I review collaboration invites before accepting them?
By default, your Box account is set to automatically accept invitations to collaborate on folders and files. Those collaborations end up in your All Files list, and that list can get quite long! Sometimes, you don’t remember who invited you to content or why they did, it’s just there.
If you’d like the opportunity to accept and reject collaboration invites, follow these steps:
- Log in to Box Web at
- Click the user icon in the upper-right corner, then click Account Settings in the menu
- Click the Sharing tab on the Account Settings Page
- Uncheck the box under Incoming Invitations to stop automatically accepting invites
- Click Save Changes

From now on, when someone sends an invite to collaborate, you’ll have an opportunity to review before accepting. Pending invitations are shown at the top of your All Files list and in the Notification area of Box.