SCS Disposal process for Lab Equipment

SCS Process for disposal of lab equipment

Items that are not considered lab equipment 

  • Desktops, laptops, iPad’s, tablets, photo copiers, scanners, printers, servers, monitors, heavy-duty surge protectors, keyboards,  computer mouse, speakers, and any cables for these items. 
  • Basic lab supplies are not considered equipment 
  • Electronics need to be separate from lab equipment

     (please see IT equipment removal process for these items)


The lab should contact with the following information:

  • What group you are from
  • Where the items are located
  • What you are trying to dispose of and if the item is usable or not

Please label items as usable or not usable, as we will try to donate usable equipment to other labs within SCS.

Lab equipment that stores chemicals, or has chemicals run through them during experiments may require a hazmat check list to be filled out before being disposed. 

Contact Shane Brownfield ( if you are unsure if this checklist is needed.


Removal of Large Items 

Some items may be too large for the lab and receiving to move, so a work order will need to be placed to the appropriate department to assist with getting the items to our scrap cage. If you are not sure contact and they will be able to help you with this.

Please follow the steps below for disposing of a refrigerator or freezer. 

  1. Email Shane Brownfield ( for a hazard assessment checklist.

  2. Complete the checklist and put it with the fridge. You only need to fill out the sections for the “unit coordinator”.

  3. Shane Brownfield will bring a shipping envelope to secure the form to the fridge and protect it when he comes to take it away.

  4. Make sure the fridge is thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.  Soap and water is typically sufficient for chemical storage fridges
    • IMPORTANT:  If biological materials were stored in the fridge, additional decontamination procedures will be necessary.

  5. Put a work order in reaction ( for the disposal of the fridge. Make sure to put in the notes of the work order that the fridge will be moved to the receiving dock. 

Once you have completed all of these steps, let Shane know and he will come move the fridge to the receiving dock. 


Final Steps

Once all items have been checked by SCS Inventory staff, they will be taken to our scrap cage that is located by the parking lot of RAL.


OwnerShane B.GroupSchool of Chemical Sciences
Created2021-08-25 11:05:58Updated2024-04-29 18:15:40
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Chemical Sciences
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