Results: 1-20 of 76

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1X-ray Lab Software Information (web)1063562024-11-263984
2X-ray Crystallography Links1063572024-11-262897
3High-Throughput Screening Facility Rates (web)1062572024-09-032376
4Mass Spectrometry Rates (web)1063062024-09-034040
5Machine Shop Rates (web)1063532024-05-2210391
6Cell Media Facility Cost of Services (web)1062262024-01-304524
7X-Ray Lab Service Rates1063552023-10-023559
8Microanalysis Lab Service Rates (web)1063072023-09-273103
9Instructional Handouts and Tools [Campus login required]1021092024-12-230
10NMR-Instrument Schedules & Reservation Protocols [Campus login required]1018712024-12-230
11NMR-New User Training Booklet-page1 [Campus login required]1009982024-12-234
12NMR-Instrument Information [Campus login required]1005592024-12-230
13Mass Spec - Getting your Data from FBS1196452024-12-171483
14Mass Spec - FBS - Mass Spec Request1194192024-12-171836
15Mass Spec - FBS - LC/MS Service Request1194182024-12-171638
16Mass Spec - FBS - Checking in a sample1194162024-12-171737
17Mass Spec - FBS - Student Experiment Tracking1194142024-12-171586
18SCS Accident and Injury Response985572024-12-172484
19NMR-VNS750NB [Campus login required]1006922024-12-020
20NMR-Reservation Protocols for Solid-State NMR Spectrometers [Campus login required]1003952024-12-020
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