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UAFR - Query Searches Using One Field

Query Searches Using One Field

Query searches allow you to locate and extract data from the database such as values for a field, and then use the data in a Banner page.

Query searches may be performed in Validation pages (search pages) or from certain fields in Application pages that have a Search button. The techniques for refining your search are the same in all pages.

You may use wild card characters, which stand for unknown characters, to refine your searches. There are two wild card characters in Banner, the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_):

% = any group of characters

_ = any single character

The following example shows how to query for an Account code using a single field query search.

  1.  In the Search field, type FTVACCT and press the ENTER key to open Account Code Validation.
  2. Click the Filter button.
  3. Type your Chart code in the Chart of Accounts field. This will limit the search to only your Chart.
  4. Tab to the Title field.
  5. Type %Office% in the Title field. By using the percent sign (%), you can search for all titles that contain that word.
    NOTE: Most query searches are case sensitive.
  6. Click the Go button. You should now see all Account codes that contain the word “Office” in their titles.
  7. Click the Close button to return to the main menu.
    NOTE: If you originated the search from an Application page, you may double-click the desired code into the Application page’s field.

Banner, Banner job aids, Banner Navigation, Banner training, 
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