Topics Map > Accounting & Budgeting > Encumbrances
UAFR - Creating a General Encumbrance
Creating a General Encumbrance
- Type FGAENCB in the Search field, and press the ENTER key to open General Encumbrance Maintenance.
- Click the Go button.
- Type the title of your encumbrance in the Encumbrance Description field.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Document Total field and type the amount you wish to encumber.
- Confirm the Encumbrance field radio button is selected.
- Select Document Text from the Related menu to open FOATEXT.
- Type the reason for the encumbrance.
- Press the DOWN ARROW key to advance to the next available text line.
- Type your name, unit, email, and 10-digit phone number.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Close button.
- Click the Next Section button.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Journal Type field.
- Type 501 in the Journal Type field.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the COA field and type your Chart code.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Fund field and type your Fund code.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Orgn field and type your Organization code.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Acct field and type your Account code.
- Press the TAB key to advance to the Prog field and type your Program code.
NOTE: Activity and Location codes are optional. - Press the TAB key to advance to the Amount field, and type the amount you wish to encumber for this C-FOAPAL.
NOTE: To allocate part of the encumbrance document to another C-FOAPAL: - Click Insert from the Functions buttons and repeat steps 13-20.
Click Copy from the Functions buttons and press the TAB key to advance and change any field values. - Type the amount allocated to the C-FOAPAL.
- Click the Next Section button.
- Click the Complete button to save and submit for posting.
Click the In Process button to save and complete later. - Click the Close button to return to the main menu.