Topics Map > Teaching and Learning

Campuswire, Course Communication Tool

Campuswire is a FERPA compliant discussion board and communication tool for courses. It is an alternative to Piazza.

Getting Started as an Instructor

Navigate to, type your email address in the center of the page and click Get Started. Follow the prompts to set up your course or group.

Enrolling Students

Roster sync or Single Sign On capabilities are not available. Instructors must "Invite" students, TAs, and other Instructors using their university email addresses.


See Help & Contact links at the bottom of this page:

Guides and Resources

Campuswire Demo:

Getting Started: 

Privacy Policy: 

Campuswire and Piazza comparison: 

Campuswire and Slack comparison:


Classes with students who have a registered disability through DRES, specifically students with visual or motor impairment, should not use this tool at all due to the risk of disparity among class members. 

Mobile Apps

Keywordsdiscussion chat DM messaging   Doc ID104844
OwnerCanvas C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2020-08-11 10:25:44Updated2024-05-14 10:53:23
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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