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ClassTech, Owl Set Up on Campus
This is how to set up an Owl for use on campus.
Setting Up Your MeetingOwl: Step-by-Step Guide
- Download the MeetingOwl Application to the device you are using to set up the Owl.
- This can be done from
- I recommend that the device used for setup is not the one you are trying to do other work with currently.
- Open the MeetingOwl application and plug the Owl into power and the device.
- After the Owl speaks to you, go to “Set Up Your Owl” in the app.
- Select Country. (US should be default)
- Provide your name and the University of Illinois for the company.
- Provide an email address to agree and register to get past the terms of service and privacy policy.
- As long as your email ends in, it will register properly to our university’s domain.
- Name the Owl.
- Please attempt to follow the naming convention of our devices.
- Prefix-Owl Name
- Please see your Owl administrator for your prefix.
- Skip Wi-Fi Setup for now, we can’t do that yet with our wi-fi security.
- Skip the Guided Setup.
- After the MeetingOwl software goes to the standard screen, attempt to update the Owl.
- Typically, the system will realize it needs and update and prompt you up top. If not, go to “about” with the gear icon settings in the top right and find “Check for Updates”.
- Update the Owl without Wi-Fi. Your device will need to be connected to internet to push updates to the unit.
- It will download the updates to your device then connect to the Owl’s direct “Wi-Fi” to push it to the Owl. This is the only way to do this until we can connect it to IllinoisGuest.
- This will take some time and likely disconnect your device from standard internet for a bit.
- After the first rounds of updates, you should be able to see the MAC Address in Network Settings.
- Go to the Wireless Guest and Device Management Portal.
- Add the device via MAC Address. This will likely take a long time, go ahead and have it plugged in overnight.
- When the device is confirmed into the network, the Owl Administrator can check to see if it is online and checked in.
- Check for updates again. Now you should be able to run via Wi-Fi, which is much easier than before.
- If possible, connect to the device with a Bluetooth enabled connection. You should be able to get Bluetooth settings. Here, you can enable a Bluetooth password.
- Device is ready to deploy.