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Networking, Guide to University of Illinois IP Spaces

For IT Pros: This page contains information about IP address ranges used by the University of Illinois System.

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IP ranges that host systems and/or provide services for Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

These IP ranges are used on the campus network in Urbana-Champaign.  Note: if you are a network or system administrator wishing to allow access from all such systems, please also consider the next two groups of IP ranges (used by System-wide shared services and NCSA).

System-wide shared services

Many services shared by the entire University of Illinois System, including payroll, Banner, Exchange, and Lync, use these IP ranges.

  • 2620:79:8000::/48


Other University of Illinois System IP ranges

The following groups of IP ranges are used by other parts of the U of I System.

University of Illinois at Chicago

  • 2620:12f:9000::/40

University of Illinois at Springfield

  • 2620:c:4000::/48

University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria


University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford


University of Illinois College of Pharmacy at Rockford


UIC John Marshall Law School



ICCN (the Inter-Campus Communications Network) carries information between all University of Illinois System campuses and connects to other Big Ten universities.

  • (a suballocation of Urbana-Champaign IP space)
  • 2620:0:e10::/48

Private IP Space

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved certain IP ranges for use on private networks within an organization; this private IP space can be used by anyone, but may never be routed on the public Internet (i.e. outside of the U of I System). RFC 1918 establishes three such private IPv4 address ranges:,, and

Computers in the (Urbana-Champaign) and (NCSA) private IP ranges can only receive inbound network connections from other computers within the IP ranges for Urbana-Champaign, System-wide shared services, and NCSA.  However, they may be able to reach outbound to the public Internet with the help of Network Address Translation (NAT) as described in Networking, Firewall, Service Plan Details.

Note that RFC 4193 establishes an analogous range for unique local IPv6 unicast addresses, but Technology Services does not currently support using this on campus because the abundance of publicly-routable IPv6 addresses makes it unnecessary.

Conventions for use of Private IP space

Departments wishing to use Private IP space on the Urbana-Champaign campus network are requested to follow these conventions:

  • You are permitted to use any part of the address space for traffic which will never leave its local network. Technology Services will not host these addresses in campus DNS nor route this IP space to other parts of the campus network. There is no need to let Technology Services know what part of this space you are using. It is entirely up to your unit to set up anything needed to use this IP space. As with any other network, your unit may not route between this and other subnets (including your own) without prior approval.
  • In general, the preferred option is to request a Private IP range from Technology Services. You will receive a unique (within the campus network) suballocation from the address space, which can be routed to other parts of the campus network by Technology Services (if desired) and managed using IPAMAs with any other network, your unit may not route between this and other subnets (including your own) without prior approval.
  • Please do not use any part of the address space in your unit. is reserved by Technology Services for campus-wide projects in Urbana-Champaign, and the remainder is reserved for other parts of the U of I System.

Mobile and remote IP ranges

Specific IP ranges used by various services for connecting mobile and remote users in Urbana-Champaign can be found in accessnets.txt

IllinoisNet           Private:
IllinoisNet        Public NAT:
General Access Nets   Private:
IllinoisNet_Guest     Private:
IllinoisNet_Devices   Private:
Eduroam               Private:
Guest/Device Nets  Public NAT:
# for VPN nets "duo" in the pool name indicates dedicated 2FA
# IP ranges
vpn pool1:            
vpn pool2:            
vpn pool3:
vpn nat pool:
vpn ipv6 pool1:			2620:0:e00:4024::/64
vpn ipv6 pool2:			2620:0:e00:4034::/64
vpn ipv6 pool3:			2620:0:e00:400f::/64
vpn ipv6 pool4:			2620:0:e00:403b::/64
vpn duo pool1:        
vpn duo pool2:        
vpn duo pool3:        
vpn duo pool4:
vpn duo nat pool:
vpn duo ipv6 pool1:		2620:0:e00:402a::/64
vpn duo ipv6 pool2:		2620:0:e00:4035::/64
vpn duo ipv6 pool3:		2620:0:e00:4037::/64
vpn duo ipv6 pool4:		2620:0:e00:403c::/64

KeywordsIP spaces, IP ranges, campus IP ranges, private IP, NCSA, mobile IP space, remote IP space, wireless address rangeDoc ID47572
OwnerIPAM I.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-02-24 17:04:36Updated2024-05-14 15:53:00
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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