Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > Google Apps @ Illinois
Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > U of I Box
Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > Office 365
Cloud, Cloud-based storage solutions for campus
The Urbana campus has several cloud storage services to choose from based on your needs. By default your files are private and require you to log in to the cloud-based storage service in order to access them. You can also choose to share files with individuals, the University, or publicly.
Files stored in cloud-based storage provides the convenience of having access to your files from nearly any device with an Internet connection. The cloud-based storage services listed below each include their own optional software application that allow you to synchronize files among multiple devices and the cloud.
The following table outlines the current service offerings for cloud-based storage, describes the features of each service, and includes links to service-specific documentation. The services listed below are the only cloud storage solutions approved for university data.
As of the latest review:
Box is the only cloud storage service approved for both HIPAA and FERPA data, and only when you follow the procedures described (U of I Box, Protecting PHI with Box Health Data Folders Policies and Guidelines for HIPAA and [Link for document 48082 is unavailable at this time] for FERPA).
Teams and OneDrive are approved for FERPA data when you follow the FERPA procedures, but are not approved for HIPAA data. If additional services are approved in the future, this grid will be updated accordingly.
U of I Box |
Google Apps |
Microsoft OneDrive for Business (Office 365) | Microsoft Teams | Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise Storage | |
Service information | Service - U of I Box | Service - Google Apps @ Illinois | Service - Office 365 | Service - Office 365 | U of I WebStore |
Groups that are eligible for this service | All students, faculty, staff, and Intensive English Institute, and Uni High students. Sponsored accounts might be eligible. | All students, faculty, and staff | All students, faculty, staff, and Intensive English Institute | All students, faculty, and staff | All Faculty and Staff with employee type A, B, C, and H. Type D on request. |
Where to get help | Urbana-Champaign: Tech Services Help Desk UIC and UIS users should contact their local help desks for support. See U of I Box, Support for more information. |
Tech Services Help Desk | Tech Services Help Desk | Tech Services Help Desk | |
Amount of storage provided per person |
Unlimited online storage | Google Drive for EDU has unlimited storage | 5 terabytes/user quota. For requests for extension beyond 5TB, email |
Storage is not allocated by person in Microsoft Teams | 20 gigabytes |
Amount of storage provided per team (group) |
Unlimited online storage | This feature doesn't exist for Google Drive for EDU. | This feature doesn't exist for OneDrive for Business. | 200 Gb | This feature is not available for Adobe Creative Cloud storage. |
Maximum size for a single file | 150 gigabytes | 5 terabytes | 10 gigabytes | 200 Gb | 5 gigabytes |
Supports editing of files by multiple people at the same time (synchronous collaboration) | Supports collaborative editing of Box Notes, Office Online file types, and Google Docs file types stored in Box. |
Supports collaborative editing of Google Docs file types. |
Supports collaborative editing in both the Office Online and desktop versions of Microsoft Office. |
Supports collaborative editing through the Sharepoint web interface underneath each Team |
Does not support simultaneous collaborative editing. |
Approved for storing FERPA data | Secure, legal storage for confidential FERPA data. |
Does not meet requirements for FERPA data storage. |
Secure, legal storage for confidential FERPA data. |
Secure, legal storage for confidential FERPA data. |
Does not meet requirements for FERPA data storage. |
Approved for storing HIPAA data | IMPORTANT: Read and understand Box Health Data Folders Guidelines before storing any PHI data. Protected data must be stored in approved Box Health Data Folder only. |
Does not meet requirements for HIPAA data storage. |
Does not meet requirements for HIPAA data storage. |
Does not meet requirements for HIPAA data storage. |
Does not meet requirements for HIPAA data storage. |
Available via web browser | | | |
Launch SharePoint views of Teams content within your Teams desktop or mobile app | |
Available via mobile app (smartphone/tablet) |
Download the Box app from your device's app store. |
Download the Google Drive mobile app. |
Download the OneDrive for Business app |
Download Teams for mobile |
Available via desktop app (Windows/Mac) |
Download Box Drive for Windows and MacOS. |
Download the Google Drive desktop software |
Download the OneDrive for Business software |
Download Teams for desktop |
Download the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app software |
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