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ClassTech, Troubleshooting, iPads & Tablets
Troubleshooting steps for using tablets with an adapter in General Assignment classrooms.
First, turn the system on by pressing Display On on the control panel or Start with Audio and Video on a pullout touchscreen. Wait 30-90 seconds for the Display On button to stop blinking, or the touch panel to stop counting down. If the system was already on, restart it.
Troubleshooting steps to try:
- If the room is equipped, use the Kramer Via or Mersive wireless presentation via Airplay or the application: ClassTech, Kramer Via Wireless Presentation or ClassTech, Mersive Solstice, How to Use
- If the tablet is awake, turn it off. Unplug the adapter and plug it in again. Turn the tablet on.
- On the control panel, try switching to a different input and then back to the desired input (HDMI or VGA depending on your adapter)
Please note: Netflix and other streaming sites may not work due to copyright issues! You will have to get a DVD/Blu-Ray copy of the video and use the DVD/Blu-Ray player in the classroom or use YouTube to play the video.