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Canvas@Illinois, Requesting Multiple Course Websites

This document will use common scenarios to outline how to use the Canvas space request application in order to achieve specific results based on user's needs.

Canvas course website requests can be made at Please review the following scenarios to help guide you through how best to place your request.

Scenario 1

I am teaching three courses: UBW 100, UBW 210, and UBW 350. Each course has different sets of students and content.

How to request: Place three separate requests, each time selecting a single course. Once your first request is complete, you will want to navigate back to and begin a new request. This will result in three course websites, each with the proper students assigned.

Note: If you place one request selecting all three course names, the result will be a single website with all students from all three classes in one site.

Scenario 2

I am teaching three sections of UBW 100. Each has different sets of students and due dates, but the same content.

Option 1: Teach all sections from one site using section-specific due dates and section-specific announcements. Place one request for all three sites. This will result in all students from all three sections being placed in a single course website. The benefit of this strategy is that announcements and updates to the course websites only need to be made once and students from separate sections can interact with each other if desired by the instructor.

Option 2: Teach each section from its own course website. Place three separate course website requests, one for each section. This will result in three course websites, each with the students from only a single section. The benefit of this strategy is that it eliminates the risk of students inadvertently intermingling between sections. The downside of this strategy is the need to make all updates across multiple websites. This can be alleviated somewhat by requesting a copy for one section, fully updating that section for the new semester, and then requesting copies of the updated site for the other sections after the updates are made. Subsequent updates will need to be made to each site.

Canvas, SRA, request course website, course request 
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Lindsey S. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services