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ATLAS FormBuilder - Deleting Phase Permissions

This tutorial walks you through deleting phase permissions that are not necessary for your form.
For a video tutorial, check out

Sometimes deleting a phase permission can be beneficial when you make mistakes or want to change the phase permissions for a security group.  

1.) To do this, select 'Phases' located under Data Collection and Form Lifecycle on your form's Dashboard.  

2.) Navigate to the gear icon next to the phase under which the phase permissions you wish to delete are located.  Once clicked, a drop-down menu will appear.  Select 'Edit Phase/Permissions'.

3.) From there, a new window with two tabs will pop up next to the list of phases.  Go to the tab on the right labeled 'Permissions'.

4.) All the phase permissions that you have set up for that phase of your form will be displayed.  Find the phase permission you want to delete and select the red trash icon next to it.

5.) You will be prompted with a confirmation message to make sure you wish to delete the phase permission.  Select 'OK' in the bottom right.

6.) Make sure to save your phase permissions once you are done making changes!

atlas, formbuilder, support, delete, phase, permissions, data, collection, review, approval, archive, edit, add, groups 
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Owned by:
Beckett A. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences