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Canvas@Illinois , Benefits of Turnitin

Turnitin has many benefits beyond simply detecting plagiarism. Read on to learn more about this feature found within Canvas.

Benefits of Turnitin


Turnitin is a plagiarism-detection tool available within the Canvas learning management system. Although Turnitin is useful for catching instances of suspected plagiarism, its benefits may be even greater when it is used as a teaching tool. Read on for more information:

·      The similarity reports highlight areas in need of improvement, providing an opportunity for students to develop their writing prowess.

·      Built-in grammar and syntax checkers assist writers for whom English is not their primary language, as well as writers who feel less confident in their writing abilities.

·      Running a similarity report provides an opening for a discussion between the instructor and the student, as well as teaching opportunities for improved techniques.

·      Turnitin helps students stay within campus regulations regarding integrity.

·      Properly citing sources gives credibility to the work of the student and strengthens their points of view.

Note: One of the best methods to help students learn how to improve their citation is that instructors can allow draft submissions, allowing students to view their initial similarity report and make corrections.

plagiarism, writing, learning, teaching, 
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