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SANDI - Login Time Out Limits

All login timeouts are controlled strictly by campus.

Current timeouts are as follows and if either of these limits is reached you must login again. 

  • Idle Time Max = 60 
  • Max login Session = 12 hours

Idle time applies to "no usage" of the PC in a 60 minute period. If you are on a work-list that auto refreshes, it will count as activity and not go idle. However, the 12 hour max still applies.

Keywordslogout, login, timeout, password, lock, lockup, refresh   Doc ID122921
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2022-12-07 14:18:01Updated2023-05-22 09:41:33
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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