Topics Map > Students
Topics Map > Printer Information

Web Printing from your Personal Computer

PaperCut allows you to print from any device, including personal devices, connected to IllinoisNet

Print to the Vet Med Students Printer (Located in the Basic Science Building outside of 2743 Lab)

  1. Log in to the PaperCut Web App:
  2. Click on Web Print on the left panel
  3. Select Submit a Job »
  4. In Quick Find: Type Students2 and Select Find Printer to display\Students2
  5. Select Print Options and Account Selection »
  6. Type how many copies you want to make by “Copies:”
  7. Select Upload Documents »
  8. Select Upload from computer and select your files
  9. Select Upload & Complete »
  10. Select Jobs Pending Release in the left column
  11. Select Release All or select a specific job and select Print (you can also cancel the job)


My password doesn't work

Be sure you are using your NetID ( Email) password.  If you cannot login, visit Technology Services at and reset your password.  Make usre that you keep your passwords secure.  You are responsible for all activity done on your account.  

My print jobs look nothing like what I meant to print

This may happen when a software application alters a print job in order to make it easier to print.  Converting your document to a PDF or XPS and confirming that the file looks correct should resolve most issues.  You can convert a document to PDF by printing to Adobe PDF Writer and XPS to Microsoft XPS Document Writer (Windows Only).  Our printers cannot print less than .25 inches away from the edge of the paper.

I accidentally sent a print job that I don't want

To delete a print job, select Delete after typing in your NetID password.  Do not press Enter as that will release the print job.  Print jobs will automatically expire after an hour without activity. 

My print looks nothing like what I meant to print

This may happen when a software application alters a print job in order to make it easier to print.  Converting your document to a PDF or XPS and confirming that the file looks correct should resolve most issues.  You can convert a document to PDF by printing to Adobe PDF Writer and XPS to Microsoft XPS Document Writer (Windows Only).  Our printers cannot print less than .25 inches away from the edge of the paper.

I think there's something wrong with the printer

Please contact the Help Desk at with a detailed description of the problem so that we can fix the printer in a timely fashion. 

Keywordsprint, printing, printer, papercut, student, students2, web print   Doc ID78408
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2017-11-27 15:55:12Updated2022-02-08 13:18:28
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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