Topics Map > Lists: Email and Access

Ophthalmology Vet-Eyes Mailbox Email Access

Vet Med Ophthalmology department's has an intake inbox The service has a redirect rule in place to forward all emails to desired recipients. 

To add or remove recipients, simple email and they will add or remove the appropriate individuals from the AD list cvmlists-ophtho.

To modify the the Redirect rule or log into the vet-eyes inbox directly:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to Web Mail:
  2. For the User name enter: and enter the standard Ophthalmology password. (The Ophthalmology veterinary tech should have this password or see Keepass)
  3. Select Options (upper right corner)
  4. Search Inbox Rules and select
  5. Double click to open: Rule: Vet-eyes Email Redirect
  6. The condition should be Apply to All Messages with action Redirect to 'Vet Med Lists ophtho'.  A different list or names could be entered here, but best practice is to manage through AD.
  7. Select OK
  8. Select Save
  9. Select Sign Out (upper right corner), vet eyes, eyes, ophth, Vet Med Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology, intern, resident, exchange   Doc ID84220
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2018-07-23 11:04:55Updated2022-11-01 14:10:28
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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