Topics Map > Phone (Teams & Contact Center)

Contact Center software off-campus

Contact Center is currently setup in such a way that you cannot simply login to TouchPoint from off-campus. Technology Services has provided temporary work-arounds should you need to use TouchPoint to answer calls from off-campus locations.

Option 1 

If you are using the VPN and have both TouchPoint and Skype for Business running, you should be able to answer calls. 
Install the VPN on our laptop: VPN Client Download and Setup
Install TouchPoint on your laptop (this should already be installed on all university laptops)
Install Skype for Business on your laptops (this should already be installed on all university laptops)
Please note: The call quality may not be the same quality that you would normally have. Here is the link for information on installing the VPN

Option 2 (Currently untested)

Does not use the VPN, but still requires help from your local IT support to setup Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP to login to your campus machine from home. Your local IT will need to help you set this up on your campus machine and give you instructions for logging in. You can then run Skype for Business and TouchPoint on your campus machine AND run Skype for Business on the machine you are using off-campus.
Note: Due to the "shared" nature of computers within our service groups at Vet Med, Option 2 is not recommended at this time. 
If you need to make changes to your Contact Center setup please email for any changes. If changes are time sensitive, please add that to your ticket. 

Headset usage on personal laptops

  1. You may need to install the headset software, from the manufactuer, onto the laptop you are using.
  2. You may need to change your settings in Remote Desktop:
  3. Launch Remote Desktop
  4. RDPScreen1
  5. Enter your computer Path
  6. Select Show Options
  7. RDPScreen2
  8. Select Local Resources tab
  9. Select Settings
  10. RDPScreen3
  11. Set the settings as shown above. (Note: depending on your personal PC you may need to play with these settings)

Keywordss4b, phone, skype,   Doc ID98904
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2020-03-16 12:42:05Updated2024-02-26 09:26:29
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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