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SANDI - Communications Log

The Client Communications Log provides a tool for recording communications with clients and referring veterinarians. When communication comments are finalized, they become part of the patient electronic medical record. You should add a communication when you have a conversation regarding any updates on a hospitalized patient or discussing a concern that the client might have. Conversations regarding estimates, bills, complaints, should always be documented. These communications, along with signed consent forms, are vital in any dispute scenarios. Get into a habit of completing detailed documentation of your patient care and client communications, will serve you well as you move on in your career.

Video Training Link: SANDI Communications Log

Accessing the Communication Log

  1. Bring up the proper Client/Patient in the Patient’s Dashboard and select the arrow next to Communication.


The Communication Log will appear.


2. You can use the Sort Arrows to sort any column ascending/descending.

3. Type a key word in the Filter Box to limit your search.

4. Add Button:  Select to add a Communication.

5. Refresh Button: Select to update the list (use this often if you are updating communications frequently.

6. Report Button:  Select to get a report of communications in PDF form. Choose from:

  1. All Comments
  2. Retracted Comments
  3. Standard Comments


7. Select Add to add a new Communication

8.Fill out the new Communication and Submit

 Note: All fields in red are required.


9. The Communication Log Entry screen will appear.

10. Type out your communication.

Note: At Spoke To, BE SPECIFIC do not just say co-owner, ensure that you document a full name.

  1. You can Submit to Save -or-
  2. Verify if you’re ready to finalize.

 Note: Templates and Addend Comment are not applicable/active in when adding a new Communication.  When Verifying, you must enter your password.



11.To Retract a finalized comment, select the retract button and enter your reason for retracting.

Note: If you make a mistake and a finalized communication needs to be corrected, contact


12. When Verifying, you must enter your password/pin

Editing Communications: 

  • Non-retracted Communications: Medical records can update the to/from, spoke to, type, visit, contact, and subject of a non-retracted log entry. 
  • If the entry operator is not the same as the current user, a communication edit button will NOT appear.  To view the communication, users can still click on the communication text field to view the communication text in a window.

Keywordsdocument, log, write, enter, entry, fax, email, in-person, in person, note, sandi, client, patient, communication, sandi communication, comm, comm log   Doc ID111211
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2021-06-04 12:33:56Updated2024-05-29 13:16:15
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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