Medication Dispensary :: Medication Dispensary
VTH Medication Dispensary


External Phone Number: 217-333-5329

Internal Phone Number: 217-244-0168 (do not give to clients)

On-call Pharmacy Staff: 217-300-8711 (for urgent needs when Medication Dispensary is closed)

Urgent / Emergency Needs: Pharmacy On-Call

217-300-8711 (Internal Use Only - Do not give to clients)

If you require urgent pharmacy assistance when the Medication Dispensary is closed, call the Pharmacy On-Call number. If you do not get an answer, please leave a message with your name and number and a staff member will get back to you shortly. 

Examples of urgent needs:

  • Clinical drug questions
  • Urgent cleanroom needs (after-hours cleanroom fees may apply)
  • If ALL Cubex machines are down/malfunctioning.
  • Door swipe is broken (DO NOT PROP THE DOOR OPEN)

Non-Urgent Needs:

Please send an email to 

  • Finding an item - please use the Drug Directory binder
  • Deleting a prescription 
  • Refilling or mailing out a prescription 

Helpful Reference Docs


Quick Links: 


Where can I find __(drug)__?

    1. Drug Directory
      1. The Drug Directory binder can be found on the front counter.
      2. A digital version can be found on the VTH-KB Intranet, under Medication Dispensary Drug Directory (6/2023):
    2. Notes:
      1. Pen needles are in the compounding room (top cabinet to your right when you enter the door). All insulin syringes are also in the compounding room.
      2. Miscellaneous items can be found on the back shelf

Pharm Layout


    1. Check and see if your needed compound is pre-made or not.
      1. Utilize our pre-made compounds that are stocked on our shelves. See list below.
      2. If it is not premade:
        1. If the prescription is not urgent, and can wait until the next business day, notify the Medication Dispensary that it has not been filled, and needs to be filled by Med Disp staff, along with any relevant details (contact owner for mailout, etc.). Inform the client of the delay.  
        2. If you need to make the compound, formula sheets are in the binders of the compounding room. Follow all the steps on the sheets, and please clean up your dishware afterward.  

Medication Dispensary - PRE-MADE Oral Suspensions



Amlodipine 1 mg/mL


Cisapride 10 mg/mL


Clopidogrel 5 mg/mL


Enrofloxacin 20 mg/mL


Gabapentin 100 mg/mL


Metronidazole 50 mg/mL


Omeprazole 10 mg/mL


Prednisolone 20 mg/mL


Sildenafil 2.5 mg/mL


Torsemide 5 mg/mL


Ursodiol 50 mg/mL


**When dispensing from Stock Bottles : Use the Expiration Date listed on bottle**

Pre-made Otic Compound

Dexamethasone/Mal-a-ket Triz










Cubex Directory 

    1. Cubex Directory
      **some drugs are in multiple Cubex machines, i.e., if something is out in ICU, check if IMC has it.     
    2. If an item is unavailable in all Cubex machines:
      1. Regular open hours: notify the Medication Dispensary in person or send an email to
      2. After-hours/weekends: After verifying the item is unavailable in all Cubex machines. call the pharmacy on-call.

After-Hour / Weekend Rx Questions

  1. Printing supplies out (Labels and ribbons out)
      1. RX Label printer supplies are located above the printer to the left on the top-level shelf
  2. Overstock locations
    1. If items in the Medication Dispensary are out of stock in the bins, look at the top and bottom of the shelf for overstock.
  3. Where can I find filled prescriptions?
    1. In-house medications are hanging in the back of the Medication Dispensary shelf, or on the bookshelf by the front door, by the Cubex.
    2. Out-patient/refill medications are stored at the front desk after hours and on weekends/holidays
    3. Controlled substances (including all forms of gabapentin) must remain in the pharmacy until the client is at the VTH and ready to take the patient home. Prescriptions are hung up in the pharmacy.
  4. Need something deleted?
    1. Regular open hours: notify the Medication Dispensary in person or send an email to
    2. After-hours/weekends: Email with the patient name, MR# and prescription information. If the patient will be discharged soon, ask Client Services not to charge for that prescription. Pharmacy staff will remove the charge during open business hours. 
  5. Need to edit a label?
      1. If the prescription has not been pinned off the worklist, go to the worklist and click on the prescription bottle icon.

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

      1. If the prescription has been pinned, it cannot be edited by a non-pharmacy staff member. (Currently, SANDI does not have the capabilities for this. Pharmacy has to edit through VetStar)

    Write a new prescription with the accurate/current directions and fill as normal. Send an email to with the patient name, MR# and which drug, quantity, and directions to delete. Pharmacy staff will remove the charge during open business hours.

  6. After-Hours Controlled Drug Dispensing (Discharge Prescriptions)

    Policy: When Medication Dispensary is closed and a patient being discharged needs continued treatment with a controlled substance, a 72-hour supply may be dispensed by a clinician from the emergency dispensing cabinet, located in the Medication Dispensary.

    After-Hours Controlled Drug Dispensing (Discharge Prescriptions) Steps: 

    1. Clinician enters 72-hour supply prescription in SANDI. Pin off prescription on both doctor and pharmacy worklist to generate 2 labels to print in the Medication Dispensary.
    2. Clinician removes key from ICU Cubex, under that patient. Search for After Hours Controls Key.
    3. Clinician will need to use the key for the lockbox cabinet [in the back] of the Medication Dispensary. Remove the drug and dispense in a standard pill vial or amber bottle.
    4. Place labels on prescription bottle, and controlled drug sign-out sheet on the cabinet. Initial and date, and lock the cabinet.
    5. Return the key to Cubex, under the same patient it was removed from, using the return function

    Buprenorphine 0.3mg/mL solution for oral use
    (1 mL increments)

    Phenobarbital 15 mg tablets
    (individually packaged)

    Codeine 30 mg tablets
    (individually packaged)

    Phenobarbital 60 mg tablets
    (individually packaged)

    Diazepam 5 mg tablets
    (individually packaged)

    Pregabalin 25 mg capsules
    (individually packaged)

    Hydrocodone 1 mg/ml Syrup
    (10ml bottles)

    Pregabalin 100 mg capsules
    (individually packaged)

    Hydrocodone/Homatropine 5 mg/1.5mg tablets (individually packaged)

    Tramadol 50 mg tablets
    (individually packaged)

    Midazolam Intra-nasal seizure Kit

    Tylenol w/ Codeine #3
    (individually packaged)










    **Controlled Substance Compounded Suspensions: First, review the compounding formula sheet in the pharmacy compounding room and calculate the quantity needed. Phenobarbital 10mg/ml suspension requires a 6ml minimum (and can only be dispensed in 6ml increments. Tramadol 20mg/ml suspension is a 5ml minimum, with 5ml increments)
    1. Enter the prescription in SANDI for the desired suspension, then follow the after-hours key process to obtain the tablets needed for the compound. Place your suspension prescription sticker on the after-hours cabinet clipboard.


VTH Hazardous Drug Risk Acknowledgment Form

New Drug Requests:

VTH and VMSC Information

Client Information

Helpful Info for Practice

Controlled Substances

VTH Controlled Substance Surveillance Manager | Medication Dispensary Coordinator: Jenny Chen

Medication Dispensary Service Head | Pharmacist: Lauralei Fisher-Cronkhite 

Controlled Substances (Policies and SOPs)

DEA Registration

Ordering DEA 222 Forms

DEA Renewal Application

Authorized Controlled Substance Disposal Locations

DEA Diversion Control Division Manuals (Practitioner's Manual, Researcher's Manual, Pharmacist's Manual, Chemical Handlers Manual)

Controlled Substances List

Regulatory Info

Compounding Videos


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