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SANDI - VDL Lab Requisitions (Request Test, View Results, etc.)
Video Training Link: Coming Soon
1. Bring up the patient in the Patient Dashboard.
The Labs information will display labs from the VDL as well as VTH internal labs such as Nova and IDEXX.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT add VDL lab charges/requests via Charges n SANDI, If you do, the order will NOT go to the VDL.
You MUST order ALL VDL/Clin Path labs via the VDL/CP Labs information box on the Dashboard.
(The VTH button is solely for results for VTH internally run lab tests such as Nova, IDEXX, etc.)
2. Select the arrow next to Labs.
Note: You can access the VDL/CP order screen via Charges/Procedure HX by selecting the Lab Requisitions tab. Do NOT add VDL/CP lab charges/requests via Charges n SANDI, If you do, the order will NOT go to the VDL but the client will be charged.
Charge Entry 
- The Charge Entry button will take you to the charges screen.
Statuses (to the right):
- Submit to VDL - This means the test is ready for final review/completion and submission to the VDL.
- Lab Accepted - The VDL has acknowledge the test.
- Rejected - There is an issue with the test
- Canceled by VDL - The test was canceled.
Actions (to the right):
Edit a Lab Req order (Only available if unsubmitted)
Delete a Lab Req order (Only available if unsubmitted)
View a note or important information regarding the test
Denotes that there are REQUIRED questions that must be answered before the request can be verified.
3. Select Add Lab Requisition.
4. You can search by code or description in the "Search for Lab" box and press enter to add. The test will appear as Manually added OR you can select the plus + icon next to the list you want to view and all available tests will be displayed.
5. Enter the proper Quantity.
6. Enter the proper Priority (The default is Routine.)
Example of Manual Test Added: This image shows a manually added test.
- Clear Charges will remove them all.
- Back goes to the previous menu.
- To remove a test simply select Remove.
Icons to the right:
View the Informational note associated with the test.
View a note or important information regarding the test
Denotes that there are REQUIRED questions that must be answered before the request can be verified.
Example of Manual and List Driven Test Added: This image shows both a manual and list driven tests added. To remove any test it simply select Remove.
7. Select the Icon when present: Many tests have additional information that you should ALWAYS read by selecting the question mark
Adding Selected Tests
Note: It is important to ensure that you have selected the correct tests. If you have made a mistake you may still cancel the request without the charges posting to the account, and without the request being sent to the lab
1. When all desired tests have been selected and are correct, click Add Selected Tests and you will return to the test list.
IMPORTANT: Your tests have NOT been submitted to the VDL yet.
2. Select the Submit to VDL button to complete required information.
3. Complete the required Patient History.
- Example: patient hit by car two days ago; shortness of breath, etc. (This will NOT be part of the patients electronic medical record.)
4. Many tests have questions that must be answered. Complete all of these.
Example of test with required questions: The following is an example with standard patient history and required questions.
6. When finished:
- Save Only: To just update information so you can come back later. (It will NOT send to the VDL)
- Submit: This will send the request to the VDL.
Viewing Test Status
To see the stats of your requisition, refer back to the Lab Reqs screen to look for status changes.
Viewing Test Results (Available from Labs and Exams/Forms Send)
From Labs
- Select the Edit Icon
next to the test results you want to view
- Choose an exam from the drop down. (Typically, only one exam exists but there could be multiple.)
- Select View Exam
- Select Uploaded Case Report
- Your results will appear in PDF format and
From Exams/Forms Send
1. Ensure you select the correct client/patient in the Dashboard.
2. Go to Exams & Forms.
3. Locate the lab result you want to view.
4. Select the Send (Airplane Icon)
5. Select to View In-Person (third option in the screen show below) and the results will display.
Note: Under Step 2 you can select/deselect and refresh to see any of the reports listed.