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cPanel, Embedding a Box folder in cPanel-hosted web pages

You can embed Box folders in cPanel-hosted web pages on in order to allow your website users to browse image and/or document collections. Any files stored in Box will not count against your cPanel storage quota.

If you want to provide a way for people viewing a website to be able to browse the contents of a particular Box folder, you'll want three things:

  • (Optional but recommended:) A specific Box folder to contain the shared content
  • File permissions that include "everyone with the link"
  • The code to embed your Box folder in your web page

Choosing a folder

While you can provide individual direct links to files that are stored in different locations within Box, you'll find it easier to keep track of where your web-linked files and images are if you create a folder specifically for this purpose.

For the examples below we've used a folder called Embed-folder to demonstrate what to select.

1. Select your file in the Box folder and click the ... button that appears when you click or hover over your file. In the menu that appears, go to More Actions -> Embed Widget.

folder menus

2. In the Embed Widget window that appears, adjust the settings to match the size, sorting, and view type you'd like to include in your web page. (The Preview button lets you see what your embedded folder will look like.)

widget options

3. When you're happy with the settings, copy the Embed Code and place this code in your cPanel-hosted web page to include a view of a folder from Box.

cPanel, web hosting, Box, folder embedding 
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