Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > cPanel web hosting

cPanel, "An installation already exists" error

What to do about this error depends on whether you want to host one website or multiple sites at this location.

The error message:

"An installation already exists at (your URL) as per our records. To re-install the application please uninstall the existing installation!"

What to do about it:

Your next step depends on whether you want to have both sites available at the same time, or whether you want to replace one with another.

I want to have both the old website and the new website

For example, you might want to have both WordPress and something else installed.

In this case:

  1. Change the subdirectory you're installing the new item in.
  2. you want the new item to be the 'main' site, even if it's stored in a subdirectory, look at cPanel, My web site isn't displaying

I want to replace the old website with the new website

For example, you may want to change from one content management system to another.

In this case:
  1. Back up any information you want to keep from the old site.
  2. Use Softaculous to uninstall the old site.
  3. Install the new site.

cPanel, web hosting, installation 
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University of Illinois Technology Services